Michael Nagle (photographer)

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Hand sanitizer, gloves, face masks, and candles are decorate a table at a candle light vigil for Tamir Rice and Aiyana Stanley Jones, both of whom would have likely been graduating from high school this year had they not been shot and killed by police officers at the ages of 12 and 7 years-old, in front of the General Grant National Memorial during the 2nd phase of reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic on June 28, 2020 in New York City.  Photograph by Michael Nagle

Hand sanitizer, gloves, face masks, and candles are decorate a table at a candle light vigil for Tamir Rice and Aiyana Stanley Jones, both of whom would have likely been graduating from high school this year had they not been shot and killed by police officers at the ages of 12 and 7 years-old, in front of the General Grant National Memorial during the 2nd phase of reopening from the COVID-19 pandemic on June 28, 2020 in New York City. Photograph by Michael Nagle

Copyright © 2020 Michael Nagle