Michael Nagle (photographer)

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OCEAN, NJ  -  APRIL 01, 2009:  Marty Kairey stands next to his copper pot still, where he makes ultra premium kosher for Passover vodka and other distilled spirits, on April 03, 2009 in Ocean, NJ.  Jews once drunk sickly sweet wine for Passover but have a full range of alcoholic choices from high end wine to tequila to vodka, made to meet the dietary restrictions of the holiday.  (PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL NAGLE)

OCEAN, NJ - APRIL 01, 2009: Marty Kairey stands next to his copper pot still, where he makes ultra premium kosher for Passover vodka and other distilled spirits, on April 03, 2009 in Ocean, NJ. Jews once drunk sickly sweet wine for Passover but have a full range of alcoholic choices from high end wine to tequila to vodka, made to meet the dietary restrictions of the holiday. (PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL NAGLE)

Copyright © 2009 Michael Nagle