Michael Nagle (photographer)

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SHOOTING - BROOKLYN - JULY 09:  Detectives brush a BMW SUV for fingerprints at Kingston and Lefferts on July 9, 2007 in New York City.  The BMW was used in the shooting of two NYPD officers early this morning at Rogers and Lefferts.  Officer Russell Timoshenko died from his injuries.  (PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL NAGLE)

SHOOTING - BROOKLYN - JULY 09: Detectives brush a BMW SUV for fingerprints at Kingston and Lefferts on July 9, 2007 in New York City. The BMW was used in the shooting of two NYPD officers early this morning at Rogers and Lefferts. Officer Russell Timoshenko died from his injuries. (PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL NAGLE)

Copyright © 2007 Michael Nagle