Michael Nagle (photographer)

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BRONX - JUNE 17, 2009:  Baron Ambrosia (Justin Fornal) orders a drink from the bar at the Guyanese restaurant Coconut Palm, where he filmed a previous segment called the "Roti Express" for his Bronx public access cable show Bronx Flavor on June 17, 2009 in the Bronx. (PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL NAGLE)

BRONX - JUNE 17, 2009: Baron Ambrosia (Justin Fornal) orders a drink from the bar at the Guyanese restaurant Coconut Palm, where he filmed a previous segment called the "Roti Express" for his Bronx public access cable show Bronx Flavor on June 17, 2009 in the Bronx. (PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL NAGLE)

Copyright © 2009 Michael Nagle